As children take part in dramatic play, they come together to learn SO MUCH! This isn't new or ground-breaking by any means, but here are some ways in which dramatic play can enhance a child's learning ...
1. They refine social and emotional norms (think: turn taking)
2. They increase their gross and fine motor skills (think: dressing a baby)
3. They develop literacy skills (think: writing down phone messages in the doctor's office or making a grocery list)
4. They learn to ask and answer questions, thus increasing their vocabulary, communication and language (think: role-playing house).
As a French kindergarten teacher in a French immersion kindergarten class, I often wondered if the students would ever extend their French language acquisition into their play. I'm here to tell you that THEY DOOOOOOOO!! And, it's WONDERFUL!!
Students played 'mini-prof' today and since they were playing ME, they were speaking French. They took turns playing 'teacher,' choosing the chef du jour, asking students to assis or debut, telling each other where they could "travaillent ou jouent" ... It truly was amazing.

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