For the past two and a half months, they've built structures and towers and castles. And, they've destroyed structures and towers and castles. We've taken pictures of their structures when they didn't want to break them during tidy-up and they've tried 'recreating' them ... And we've even let them keep their 'structures' in tact to avoid meltdowns.
Something that they haven't done in the past two and half months is they haven't built BRIDGES!
Last week, I created a book titled, "Est-ce qu'on peut construire?" inspired by Megan Adams at Play to Learn Kindergarten to push the kids out of their comfort zone. After all, isn't that reaaaaalllly what FDK is all about??
Megan explained it as, "a book full of structures ... some from around the world like the London Bridges, some from our country like the Scotiabank Place and some from our community, like our school." Found some pictures on the internet, laminated them, put a ring through it and ... tada! Our 'Can We Build It?' book of structures!
This is a prime example of what 'planting a seed for inquiry' looks like in Kindergarten. I made the book and put it in the block centre and explained it to a few students and it 'took off' all on it's own. Not to mention ... from this book, I found out that students are amazed with the bridges! Why ... hello, next inquiry.
This is a girl being the 'site manager' ... describing to everyone what to do next.
But wait ... they could use the piece that already looks like a bridge from the train tracks. Duh! Why didn't I think of that?
While I was sitting there, playing with the kids, one of the girls asked what the words said. I read, "London Bridges" and she exclaimed, "LIKE THE SONG?" ... Naturally, we then broke out into a sing-song ...
And, when they compared their bridge to the picture they noticed that they were missing something ... boats! So, they used the trains as boats. Maybe we need to get some boats!
No word of a lie, I turned around to the computer station and this kinder was on on a game called, "Build the bridge". Are you kidding me?!
Okay, now that I'm all fired up again and excited about our next inquiry, I'd better get to planning my next steps! Thank goodness it's the weekend!
Any ideas on how to probe their thinking and extend this inquiry?!

What a great activity! I think you did an amazing job with 'planting a seed of inquiry.'