Welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping in :)
I teach at a cute little public school that has a great community feel, supportive staff and wonderful students in the Upper Canada District School Board. This fall, I will be welcoming 25 kinders (and their parents) to a brand new French Kindergarten classroom. I look forward to the adventure that awaits me and I can't wait to have a place to 'document' their learning and share my experiences.
What better place to start the documentation process ... the construction of the room! With the introduction of FDK, our school had to demo the old rooms and start from scratch. It's August 17th and this is what it looks like ...
It will be beautiful. It will be worth it. In the meantime, I'm practicing this thing called patience.
I'll keep you posted!

Good post An interesting discussion is worth a comment as in this age group children learn quickly and as they grow older they start exploring. kindergarten school