NAHHHHH. Who am I kidding?! Just because it's titled as Ms. Kidd's Kindergarten, doesn't mean that's what it has to be right? The blog is a place to store and document student and classroom information, to collaborate with other teachers from across the continent and to stretch conversations at home from, "How was school today?" to "Tell me more about your science experiment today!" How on Earth could I go without blogging?! So, after (not-so-much) debate, I've decided to keep my blog up and running as Ms. Kidd's Kindergarten even though this September, I will be teaching:
Grade 3/4 Language
JK/SK Core French
1/2 Core French
and Grade 3/4 Phys. Ed and Core French
I've figured out a way to 'label' posts so that they are organized by class/grade on the left hand side of the blog, so if there is a blog post in reference to something specific to a class then it will go directly to that class on the right side with a label.
With that being said ... so long, sweet summer. This teacher is starting to think about school again!