And my wheels turned. And turned. And turned. Then I got Mitch's wheels turning. Finally, he said, "Amie, I'm NOT installing pot lights in a platform just for you to bring to school. You're crazy." So ... I settled on a shower rod and a couple of red curtains.
Drum roll, please ....
These kinders have been putting on 'talent shows' since Monday. They've brought the chairs nice and close, they've hired a director (who, by the way begins the show by saying, "A one, a two, a one, two, three, four") ... They've brought their babies (from the dramatic play centre) to the show, they've made signs and invitations, they've asked for music ... And, trust me ... If they catch you walking down the hall they will surely ask, "Do you want to come to our talent show?" Today, they had two shows. The first one was called, "Butterfly Dance" and the second was "Halloween Spook Dance." So, so creative. At one point, there were some coats lying on the ground and although I was sincerely concerned that someone might trip, I exclaimed, "I'm NOT paying money to a show if the stage is a mess! A paying customer deserves a clean stage to look at!" ... and I pretended to get up. Haha. So, so sneaky!
I took about 50 pictures and none of them were clear because these kiddos just couldn't stop dancing!
We'll probably run with the 'talent show' idea for a few more days (extending and stretching them to their limits - finding books in the library about performances, making microphones, working on time-telling with clocks and timers, coordinating a dance or rehearsing some jokes, etc ...). Then, when they've exhausted all avenues of a 'talent show,' we might turn it into a puppet show or a stage for a play.
Is it just me, or do all of the super fun things always happen in the cubby area?! Honestly, it's where they gravitate to. We have this great big, beautiful open classroom and here they are cramped into a tiny corner.
Anyways, if you're out and about at the school ... good luck sneaking by the yellow kindergarten classroom door without being ushered in ... OH, that reminds me - ushers! Every good performance has ushers showing people where to sit!!
To finish our Shakespearian quote, "... and all the boys and girls merely players."